McGraw-Hill Education
Concepts of Fitness And Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach, Loose Leaf Edition
Author: Charles B. Corbin
Edition: 11
Format: Abridged
ISBN: 9780073523484
Number Of Pages: 544
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Release Date: 2015-10-28
Details: Concepts of Fitness & Wellness provides readers with the self-management skills necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle. A pioneering text in the field, Concepts of Fitness & Wellness is designed to deliver a comprehensive text and digital program that continues to be at the cutting edge of physical activity and health promotion, empowering students to make positive steps towards developing a lifelong commitment to being active. The fully updated eleventh edition is supported by Connect, the only integrated digital learning environment that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
EAN: 9780073523484