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The Road to Nowhere?

It may sometimes feel like you're on a meandering road through a cold, unforgiving landscape leading to nowhere.   However, one of my mantras has been "You never really know what's around the next corner".  It could be good or bad but as an optimist even when things are bleak I think the next corner is where the treasure lies.  Imagine riding in your convertible, along a warm coast highway, with an engaging companion at your side... instead of that stressful bleakness some call life.   Yes I understand words are easy and life has more challenges than can possibly be written in a few sentences.   However, it's the hope, desire and dedication that overcomes the hurdles.   Take the next exit off that icy highway and see where it leads.  You may indeed find yourself with the wind blowing through your hair, a smile on your face, and an even bigger smile sitting next to you. 


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